“From the time I was a child in the foothills of Missouri, I knew that America was a special place. I was raised in a home where a Korean War Veteran happened to reside and I was privileged enough to call him my father. I went on to serve in the U.S. Army as well as my son who is currently serving as a Combat Medic. I know personally the sacrifices that have been paid to ensure that this beautiful land of ours remains free. The “Fall In Love With America – Again” project has touched my heart in a way I cannot explain; let it touch yours. I am extremely proud to be associated with this project and let us never forget that Our Freedom is Not Free: Won’t You “Fall in Love With America – Again?” Jim Lederle, American Veterans Radio
As of July 25, 2010 – American Veterans Radio is ranked number 25 of 600 tracked military websites which places AVR in the top 4% of the best military websites worldwide! More than 150,000 listeners, from all fifty states and the District of Colombia, six of the seven continents, sixty-seven countries!
Check out: http://www.avradio.org/excitingnewproject.htm
"From day one, the purpose of American Veterans Radio has been to bring a small piece of home to our military veterans - wherever they may be, to recognize our 1st Responders for being available 24/7, spotlighting the wonderful talents of the Indie Artist and last but surely not least, bringing great music to our listeners worldwide!
In the spring of 2009, while working on a CD collection project to send CD’s to our troops in the sandbox (AKA Iraq), the concept of broadcasting live to our troops and launching a free internet radio station, began to take shape.
After lengthy discussions with my wife and with the passion and compassion I had (and have) for our veterans (my father served in Korea, I served from 1980 – 1988, and my son is currently serving our country), American Veterans Radio was created.
After turning on the switch, as I like to call it, on August 31, 2009 we began thinking about all of our dedicated 1st Responders and the sacrifices they also have to make on a day to day basis (My wife is a Nurse and my brother is a Police Officer). So it was decided we were going to do all we could to give them the respect and dignity they deserved.
And lastly while listening to some excellent tunes a friend of mine had self recorded, I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why this individual didn’t have a contract with a record label; they were that good! So I told them that I would showcase their music on my daily show. As is well known now within the Indie Artist World, American Veterans Radio dedicates a full week, every week, to highlight and spotlight an individual Independent Artist.
It has been hard work with literally 1,000’s of hours dedicated to the radio station but one thing is sure: it has been well worth it.
While doing my live show “The Mixin’ It Up Show” if I receive a request from a Veteran serving in Afghanistan, Iraq, Korea, Japan etc. then I feel that all is right with the world.
American Veterans Radio was just a part of allowing our brave men and women to be back home if only for a moment – what better place to be."
Jim Lederle, American Veterans Radio
For more information, check out:
and our promotional video at:
Created by Evie Evangelou, Amber Roniger and Dennis Gelbaum, Executive Producers - Dennis Gelbaum & Evie Evangelou, Co-Executive Producer Amber Roniger
© 2010 EvieVision & ramp it up entertainment
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